July/08/2018 Video Update on Mystic Sweet Dreams Litter of Purebred Marb...

These Marble Bengal kittens were born June/06/2018... This means these kittens are about 32 days old at this time. July/08/2018 Video Update on Mystic Sweet Dreams Litter of Purebred Marble Bengal Kittens. Even though it was early in the morning the kittens were not at all thrilled to be outside on the patio area. The weather gets too hot for kittens early in AZ! Please note kittens typically begin to interact with toys such as what I call the "Flying Snake" (a fuzzy set of worm-like things on a string attached to a stick and feather critters on a string) at between 5 and 6 weeks of age and their level of interaction with these fun toys increases over time. At the age before 5 to 6 weeks kittens interact more with each other, adult cats, and their human companions. For this reason these kittens have little interest in the items in the playpen though they occasionally show interest in toys and things such as tassels on fancy pillows, etc.

There are three males and three females in this litter. Please note male cats make the same quality of pet cats as female cats do especially if the male cat is neutered before he reaches breeding maturity. Neutering your pet male cat is the key to a happy like with your pet just as spaying female cats prevents constant obsessive loud calling and obsessive attempts to escape your home to find a male or male cats to mate with ensures a happy life with your female pet cat. Stories creating the apparent bias against male cats come from people speaking of males that were not neutered in time or at all and males with either poor socialization as kittens or poor pet quality genetics (i.e.stories from people who talk about the male cat they never neutered and his spraying behavior, stories of people who tried to keep more than one intact male cat in a house which lead to fighting, stories from people speaking of male cats in the neighborhood that are not neutered or were not neutered before breeding age that spray territory, etc.)... Whether you opt for a male or female kitten it is important to neuter or spay your kitten before he/she reaches breeding maturity. I personally do not believe in neuter/spay at 8-10 weeks old, I think that is too early, but certainly getting your pet fixed at 3 months or so old is the responsible thing to do unless you are eager to embrace the extensive costs and work linked to purposely breeding purebred cats. If you want to start a cattery a great deal of research and financial preparation should be done before you obtain your cats! 

I can be reached via email at: mysticmarblebengals@gmail.com

ALL kittens shown in my videos will be or are (depending on their age) available for adoption.

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Mystic Marble Bengal Cats Scottsdale Arizona

Mystic Dream Chaser. A Striking Marble Bengal Queen.

Intro: I run a small cattery located in Scottsdale Arizona. My cattery features Marble Bengal Cats with superior dispositions, high intelli...

Mystic Marble Bengal Cats Scottsdale Arizona