There are two kinds of primary pet fraud I'd like to bring to everyone's attention: The first kind involves fake pet buyers who contact sellers who post ads online. This sort of buyer will express interest in your cat or kitten (or puppy/puppies) and offer to send a check or money order, usually a cashiers check, for the alleged purchase/adoption of the pet. The crook will then send a cashiers check for more than the pet is being sold for in order to ask the seller to go to a Western Union or similar outlet and send the extra funds to a third party or back to the seller. The reality is that the cashiers check or money order is a fake. The seller's bank will not recognize the cashiers check/money order is a well crafted fake; however, until about two weeks later. This means the seller could be lured into sending real funds to the criminal alleged buyer/adopter or a third party linked to the criminal due to a fake cashiers check/money order. The seller will be held responsible for the funds taken from his/her account to pay for the wire transfer to the criminal in the end.
The second kind of fraud involves the criminal stealing adorable photos of pets from breeder's sites online. The criminal then uses the stolen photos in ads to lure in buyers/adopters. These pets will be offered for a cheap too good to be true price and/or offered for free. The criminal will then scam the buyer/adopter into sending funds via Western Union or other online payment venues for the alleged transport of the pet, donation to a church or charity, etc. Over time the criminal will push the buyer/adopter into sending more and more funds for different alleged necessities (i.e. more funds for transport, more funds for a crate, funds for updated vaccines, funds for pet insurance, etc.). The end result is the buyer/adopter will be out the funds and will never receive the pet as the criminal has no cats/kittens/puppies to sell or offer for adoption.
Search "Puppy Scams" on YouTube: & find videos like this one titled "Don't Fall For Online Puppy Scams"
On the selling pets that the seller does NOT have end, the fake pet ads work the same way with either kittens or puppies or really any pet, typically a type/breed or pet that is normally expensive.
The tip off(s) include:
1) Request to send cashiers check or money order to buy/adopt the pet.
2) Requests to have a third party come pick up the pet after the fake money order/cashiers check is sent.
3) Requests for the seller to send the extra funds back the the fake buyer or to the third party.
4) Amazing usually impressively professional studio photos of kittens/puppies for sale/adoption cheap-free or for a small donation to a church or charity.
5) Communication between alleged seller-adopter-buyer online or by text but almost never actually speaking on the phone even when the adopter/buyer have agreed to the adoption/sale of the pet. Etc.
6) Lack of in-person contact or meeting with the actual adopter-seller, etc.
7) The alleged seller wants to ship you the kitten or kittens from another state or country. Ditto for dogs/puppies.
8) The seller claims the kitten or kittens have been fully vaccinated with no regard to the reality it's not possible to give the first shot and all booster shots in one day or by the age of the first vaccination.
9) The seller claims the kittens are TICA or CFA registered, come with papers, for the price of a mixed breed kitten (i.e. the price of a half Bengal or half Persian).
10) The seller will often say the kittens come micro-chipped, are trained, raised with children and other pets, etc.
Needless to say, there is a steady increase of stolen pets being sold via online ads as well, which is yet another reason legit breeders and fanciers are taking extra precautions.
Please note that in the fake seller ads the phony sellers often do say you can come pick the pet up at an address, which will turn out to be a stranger's address in an impressive neighborhood or an empty lot somewhere because in the end the plan is to manipulate adopter's or buyers to conduct all transactions online or through Western Union/online money transfers to the fake seller.
A real pet seller or owner seeking to sell or place a pet into a new home will meet an adopter-buyer in-person either at the seller's home or at a safe public location and usually real sellers in this day and age accept only cash unless the buyer-adopter is someone the seller has dealt with before. A real seller also has live pets that can be seen and touched in person before any funds are exchanged. Etc.
Also Once again:
Once upon a time many years ago I lived on a beautiful 40-ace farm where I had an amazing horse rescue, puppy rescue along with my purebred registered German Sheppard Dog and Persian Cat breeding program. At that time in that magical rural place I allowed clients to come to my home to choose the pet of their dreams. My animals were all highly socialized, well cared for, clean, perfect really and my facility was a vet A-Plus rated farm-rescue. That was then this is now. What happened even in the past to make me think the way I do right now?
Well, I remember the man who came one day with his children claiming he just wanted a pet for his kids. He picked out an adorable rescued puppy and adopted her. However, a few weeks later I woke up one morning to find the man in my yard, dumping off the puppy he'd adopted and looking over some of my finest purebred puppies. I went out and asked him what was up. I thought maybe he decided he actually wanted a purebred; however, what I learned is that he'd concluded the rescue pup wasn't going to grow up to be big enough. He wanted a big dog, a purebred dog, and he wanted it, felt fully entitled to it, at the adoption price of $50 he had spent to get the cute little rescue pup. He was actually enraged when I refused to let him take one of my purebred German Shepherds - dogs whose parents were literally imported from Germany at great cost.
In my years living in that rural paradise, I had three horses stolen (one that was double registered), I nearly lost one of my expensive purebred puppies, and I had my home broken into one afternoon while I was away at the store buying groceries, which led to someone stealing several of my purebred Persian cats, including a stunning pregnant show quality queen. All of my cattery owner friends and contacts had either known someone who had at some point had their cattery broken into or they'd experienced such horrific theft and loss of valuable, as well as much loved, cats themselves.
Not everyone out there in the world is a good honest person. This is one of the hardest lessons to learn in the animal business. For this reason, as well as the avoidance of diseases brought in on clothing and hands, my little cattery is a closed cattery. I try my best to post photos and videos of my cats and where they live. My cats are all 100% indoor animals. They are treated as pets. They are all blood tested negative for the major feline diseases (listed within this Bllog). I do not earn the money I need to live through my cats. I work long hours to take care of myself and my cats. I hope adopters and buyers can understand. If you are interested in a kitten, at this point, I am willing to meet you in a public place. Maybe some day I'll install a great security system or retire from work or both and once again have an open door cattery. I do miss meeting all kinds of wonderful people, having them sit on my couch and meet all of my kitties. I miss that a lot, yet to me, right now, it is not worth the risk.
Mystic Marble Bengal and Me
I have a YouTube channel with videos and updates in video form and also can be contacted via email as follows: or phone 480-480-787-6935. I reply faster to text than calls or voice mail and while my voice mail is operational I do not yet have a welcome message attached (i.e. there is silence and likely a beep, yet messages left can be heard). Please look over the many photos and videos I have posted to answer questions & contact me if you have any serious inquiries.
I have a YouTube channel with videos and updates in video form and also can be contacted via email as follows: or phone 480-480-787-6935. I reply faster to text than calls or voice mail and while my voice mail is operational I do not yet have a welcome message attached (i.e. there is silence and likely a beep, yet messages left can be heard). Please look over the many photos and videos I have posted to answer questions & contact me if you have any serious inquiries.
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